
As a staff we are a mixed crowd. Some of us are from Liskeard and other from as far a field as Birmingham… but we all have one thing in common… a love for our profession and a committment to making our residents as comfortable and happy as possible in their home.About us: We are very much hands on people and spend most of our time at the home having a flat on the third floor. Judith spends much of her time ensuring that things get done ‘properly’, the residents are well cared for and the home is kept very clean – in fact it’s almost a passion.

We are always pleased to receive feedback from our clients and their families. You can read our all testimonies here.

“Dear Judy & Charlie,

I write to thank you for the absolutely outstanding care and attention that you and your staff have all shown to Margaret and my dear Mother throughout their stay with you. The dedication and gentle assistance that you always extended to them has been remarkable and humbling to witness and John and I can never thank you enough for enabling both of them to have such a quiet, peaceful and dignified departure from this life. I always felt that they were in very safe hands throughout which has been a great comfort to John and me. I naturally miss my regular afternoon visit, not only to see my dear Mother but also you and your wonderful staff as well, and of course not forgetting the other residents particularly Terry who was always keen to know what was for tea! We will of course keep in touch and visit you from time to time & in turn John and I will always be really delighted to see any of you here if you are passing and have a little time to spare. Call in for a chat or a coffee or tea and bring a freind if you wish. As John says it would be a nice way to keep our friendship going and keep Margaret & Mum’s memories very much with us all. Thank you again for everything and I’ll see you again before too long probably about 3-15pm one afternoon.”

Dorothy was 100 years old when she passed away at St Anthony’s.

“Dear Judith, Charlie & the Staff,

As previously stated Judith has a wealth of experience caring for the elderly and is keen to pass on as much of this as she can to our staff.Charlie: He is not a ‘carer’ as such but will help with some of the more mundane aspects of care such as assisting other staff when just a pair of hands is needed. Mainly he brings his administration and management skills to the business as well of some practical and DiY slkills.

…or something like this:

“Dear Charlie,

I would like to, once again, offer my thanks to yourself, Judy and all the staff at St Anthony’s for their professional and caring approach to my Mother during her stay. In particular please pass on our special thanks to Tricia who undoubtedly was a key to Mum’s care, support and comfort. I would like to offer our best wishes to you all for the future and would be happy to provide you with a testimonial should it be of any assistance.

Joyce passed away at St Anthony’s aged 84″